A step above the others
Stride Orthopaedics & Footwear stock an extensive selection of specialty footwear for clients with special needs, post operative conditions, and active ulceration. An appointment is not necessary, but is recommended if you wish to be fit by one of our Certified Pedorthists (Canada). Many items are in-stock, however special orders may be necessary depending on the prescribing doctors specifications, size and condition of the client.
Aircast Foam WalkerThe Aircast Foam Walker is used for a variety of conditions, including as a post surgical ankle immobilizer, for treatment of plantar fasciitis or Achilles Tendonitis, it can be modified to address active ulcers of the foot or ankle, and of course as a substitute for a rigid, permanent leg cast (plaster or fiberglass). There are a number of similar braces employing similar technology and treatment protocols. | |
Walkwel Post-op ShoeThe Walkwel Post-op shoe is typically used following surgery when swelling is too great, or dressings make it difficult to fit regular footwear. These shoes are sold as a single unit, and as you can see very adjustable. | |
Ultra Plantar Fasciitis Night SplintThe Ultra Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint is made by Corflex. It is useful in treating contractures of the Achilles Tendon, or the Plantar Fascia. There many other manufacturers of similar devices. The particular unit we utilize is adjustable to different levels of ankle dorsiflexion. | |
Covered Ultra Plantar Fasciitis Night SplintThis covered Ultra Plantar Fasciitis Night Splint is made by Corflex. It is useful in treating contractures of the Achilles Tendon, or the Plantar Fascia. There many other manufacturers of similar devices. The particular unit we utilize is adjustable to different levels of ankle dorsiflexion. | |
Pedors FootwearPedors footwear have stretchable uppers for individuals with significant bony deformities in the midfoot and/or forefoot. It is easily modifiable for heel lifts and rockers, and is also available on a clog and sandal variety. | |
Darco Forefoot Wedge ShoeThe Darco Forefoot Wedge shoe is indicated for post forefoot surgery, or with a minor ulcreation of the forefoot. It's midsole configuration places maximum foot pressure towards the rearfoot. | |
Darco Rearfoot Wedge ShoeThe Darco Rearfoot Wedge shoe is indicated for post rearfoot surgery, or with a minor ulcreation of the rearfoot. It's midsole configuration places maximum foot pressure towards the forefoot. | |
Darco Toe Alignment SplintThe Darco Toe Alignment splint is used when there are flexible deformities of the greater and lesser toes. It is useful in realigning flexible bunions, hammer toes, claw toes, and mallet toes. | |
Dennis Brown SplintThe Dennis Brown splint is prescribed for infants and toddlers with varying degrees of internal or external foot and lower leg aligment problems. Worn typically with the Tarso Open Toed Boots, they are worn during the night to effect change on lower leg and foot alignment. | |
Tarso Open Toed BootsTarso open toed boots are made with full leather linings, have special flexible counters and buckle fasten inset strap. All open toed styles have detatched fringed tongues and padded collar. |